A Weird Distorted Deja-Vu: Liam

After several hurdles we have finally moved into our new flat. Looking back on these past few weeks it is really interesting how this shift of being in a new country has been. Obviously, the cultures are subtly different as they are with everywhere in the world. Yet living in a new place, these unfamiliar behaviours can go unnoticed until something outside your own brain quietly tells you “that isn’t supposed to be like that”. It’s very strange to have these thoughts and handle these completely new situations. Like the other day I was waiting for the bus as it was late as usual and as I was looking at the views of old churches and the emerald green fields are quite different from the beaches in Goleta. It feels like a weird distorted deja-vu. Everything new has been fun too; it makes one think about how you want to live because you have to work at it as opposed to how it just sort of happens when you are back home in a familiar place in your familiar circle of friends and acquaintances.