When wondering about Bristol’s general disposition, think of the word, vibrant. The people, the food, the architecture are all exciting and truly bring meaning to the word. I often visualise my life back in California taking the form of a straight line. I was stuck in the same routine especially during covid. Here in Bristol, in my mind the line shoots up and staggers downward only to sky rocket again. Curiosities and crazy experiences are making life feel like more of an adventure. The scary worries of not being able to find a place to live at the beginning was quickly replaced by the wonderful and startling horizon to horizon view we found ourselves enjoying once we did find an apartment. In Bristol, as I walk down the street I hear a multitude of languages being spoken, some I don’t even know of their origins. The city is rightfully labelled as diverse and forward thinking. Every new thing we learn about in the city makes us fall further in love with our new home. I can’t wait to see what else we will discover in the coming months.