One last Wrinkle…Thursday Night/Friday Morning-Robyn

My departure is only hours away, and I am struck with how quickly the world can be turned upside down. I thought I was out of the woods as my dad just got out of the hospital. However, last night was spent in another hospital ER as it’s my mom’s turn to be admitted.

I’m trying really hard to balance being a child to parents that are growing older as well as making sure my own children’s welfare is somewhat stable before a move abroad. And yes, I still remember my amazing yet currently neglected husband. So the current plan is to take advantage of quiet hospital waiting rooms to organize my paperwork, research my inquiry project, and study the Fulbright bible. My husband and I have divided and conquered to make sure the kids have plans with friends before we depart. I’m letting go and accepting that Costco pizza be dinner…again. Watching silly family movies at night so at least we are near each other, but able to recharge.

Currently I’m almost at the point of calling to postpone my flight to be with my mom. Or do I go as planned? Too much up in the air to make any final calls. I’m just moving forward, but making plans in case I need (or want) to stay. I’ve been laughing with my brothers that we have become quite good at navigating the hospital system due to this unexpected and additional time we’ve spent in them over the last few months. We should be collecting hospital t-shirts…I guess there is no use worrying about what to do as these decisions are often just made for you. Trying to be at peace and trying to be the best version of me that I can be.