Signing Off-Robyn

Picture: Liam and I going to school on our very last day together. We’ve walked to work/school everyday for the past 7 years. Liam has endured many early mornings and late afternoons. Gonna miss this extra time together.

Today was my last day at work before leave. I’m totally emotional. Why so sad when I’m about to embark on such a tremendous opportunity? I love my job, I am passionate about advocating for my students, I have an amazing team, and I get a high sharing my knowledge with colleagues. Fulbright has already impacted my life even prior to departing. Obviously, I do not know a lot about many things. However, I do know about inclusive education, special education, collaboration, and training. My deputy superintendent once told me I was an expert in my field and I laughed inwardly at her statement feeling at the time that she was mistaken. This year I own it: I know that I am an expert in my field. And yet I know that even with all my knowledge I can be proud of, I still have so much to learn. Everyone needs to continue learning- even teachers!

I will miss my students, our program, the talented team I get to support. I trust that the hard work and foundation that I have created will allow for smooth sailing.

To all the amazing teachers that interact with my students-I know that you’ll take care of our program. Collaborate with other team members. Have conversations and ask questions before you get frustrated. Brainstorm and problem-solve because you have the skills in place to make this year amazing. It’s an honor working with you all.

Signing off, Robyn