The 22nd movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a 3 hour long film that finally shows the defeat of the Titan, Thanos. In my opinion the movie was amazing and it was nice to see everyone that got ‘snapped’ come back. Anyways it was sad throughout the film to see some of the most iconic characters die. Such as beloved Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. I thought that the movie had many sad moments, but the directors also managed quite a few jokes and funny moments. All in all it was a good final ending for the the Avengers…for now. It is a must see for anyone from a huge fan to someone who has never seen a Marvel film. Another warning: Some may cry as it is a very rough movie as superhero films go.
On another note me and my family went to Tampere this week. My mom had a conference so we got to explore the city. We walked to this building that had many different museums in it which was a lot of fun. I also went and had a picnic near the river. There was a museum building near us where they had a video game museum, a dracula one and a natural history wing.
The video game room was a lot of fun they had a bunch of retro games such as space invaders and pacman. We stayed in there for about 30 minutes then we made our way to the dracula exhibit. I learned where the person dracula was based on lived and the Western Europe’s ideas about Eastern Europe. The whole trip to Tampere was a lot of fun and it was a nice change of scenery.