Birthday Blog-Meggie

Today’s blog is a little overview of some of the more exciting adventures from the past couple of weeks…

My birthday was naturally destined to be very unique and fun due to spending it in Finland but, my family worked so hard to make it all the more special. The day started with breakfast in bed created by the deluxe well-known Chef Liam. We then walked down to the local ziplining place! The course contained a series of obstacles followed by long ziplines that carried you to the next round. We were all hooked up to a wire that ran across the whole structure so we could go at our own speed and not need a guide. This was very special and I can’t believe that I got to go ziplining with such a wonderful view! After completing the entire course two times and our time was up, my brother and I rode the bus because we were so very worn out from all that balancing and climbing. We met our parents at a restaurant called Naughty Burger where my mom, dad, and I got veggie burgers and my brother got a double bacon burger (oh the irony!) After that delicious meal it was time to go back home where I was surprised by a gourmet homemade cake once again a Chef Liam specialty.

The thirst for adventure never ceases because this past week my family went on a trip to have a look around a fellow Finnish city called Turku. It took us all by surprise because of how lively and outgoing people were there. We have grown accustomed to people being kind but also very shy and quiet here in Jyvaskyla, so it was quite a revelation when we discovered the residents of Turku (I later learned that there’s a large Swedish population in Turku which does provide a more understandable explanation).

All in all a very pleasant and fun start to the summer.