Liam: Stockholm

My mom and I heading towards Stockholm on the ferry

This past week me and my family went to Stockholm, Sweden. My mom had another conference down in Helsinki, but after that we hopped on an overnight ferry to Sweden. That was a new experience for me. I have been on a sleeper train and busses, but have never slept on a ferry overnight. It was pretty cool, me and my family shared a small cabin with a tiny bathroom. It was 9 by 15 ft, so it was very cramped, although I got to explore the ship and look outside at the passing Swedish islands.

When we finally arrived at 10 am, we walked through town to our hotel. When we went back out in the damp Swedish town I started to remember the first time we went here in 2014. We went to the old armory which they turned into a museum. It was very interesting, then we visited the Swedish National Museum near the Baltic Sea which explained all about the history and culture of Sweden. When we were all done looking around we decided to have a little walk in the town. The next day was my father’s birthday, and we had a walking tour of the old city planned. I got to see a lot of old buildings and many different statues with diverse meanings. At the beginning of the tour we came upon the mint square where many thousands of children were protesting climate change instead of being at school.

That’s it for this week, bye.

Another ferry following us through the island channel

Stockholm by water taxi